With the coronavirus outbreak impacting the world, and thus affecting  global markets, now is the time to make your company’s strategic planning process more dynamic.  The Scaling Up Strategic Planning Process, as developed by Verne Harnish, is an agile strategic planning process that can help you rapidly adjust your organization’s strategic plan in the face of ambiguity and uncertainty. This process helps you focus on the four key areas all organization must get right to avoid stalling their growth.  With it, you will be able to sustain your organization in turbulent times and, at the same time, set yourself up for long term growth.

Are your current strategic planning process execution habits capable of allowing you to adjust your strategic plan on a timely basis? How would your organization answer the following questions and make the necessary adjustments with minimum disruption to your organization?

·      What would happen to your organization if your suppliers could not deliver materials to your organization?

·       What will happen if your customers stop buying from you because of the impact of the coronavirus? 

·      Do you have enough cash on hand to sustain your organization through this challenging time?

·      What would happen if one of your associates become ill with the coronavirus? 

·      Do you have a policy that allows sick people to work from home?

The foundation of a dynamic strategic planning process is the execution tactics that tap into the collective intelligence of the organization to help make needed adjustments that keep the focus on sustainable profitable long-term growth. From these routine meeting rhythms, organizations can quickly adjust to changing market conditions with information collected daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly.

The key to making your strategic planning process dynamic is unleashing your collective organizational intelligence by gathering information and reacting accordingly.  A well thought out meeting rhythm, focused on executing your strategic plan gets rid of the crystal ball approach to strategic planning and makes it based on real-time information that can help you position your organization for long-term, sustainable growth.

For more information on how to utilize the Scaling Up Process contact us info@accerionpartners.com