The month of July is the ideal time for companies to pause, refocus, reprioritize, and help your teams to reconnect on a personal, and even emotional level, to your company’s strategic plan for 2020. A lot has changed since most developed their 2020 plan. Most dominant of course is the black swan event of the COVID -19 virus, which has impacted nearly every aspect of your business, causing uncertainty and stress for business owners and their individual employees.

Understanding and focusing on values and purpose brings teams together. To refocus and reprioritize your strategic plan for 2020, begin by bringing your employees and teams back to focus in on your company’s core ideology -- your  values, purpose, and long-range goals. Knowing what a company cares most about provides employees and team with a foundation of psychological safety. They can see the connections with their own values and purpose, and that connection helps them make better decisions that are aligned with the company’s longer-term goals.  

When we lose sight of our company’s core ideology, and when we neglect to bring those ideas and values forward, individuals and teams slowly become disconnected.  This is especially true in times of stress and uncertainty.  As employees disengage, their decisions begin to lose a consistent thread and focus.  They tend to lose sight of the big picture, and their connection to the company weakens.

When teams connect in personal ways to your company’s core ideology, collaboration and more creativity is the result.  By reminding employees of your Values, Goals and Purpose, you allow your teams to connect on an emotional level to the goals of the company,  and that helps them stay focused on the future even in times of great uncertainty.

As you begin this second half of a very challenging 2020, we at Accerion Partners will continue to provide insights that help you refocus and reignite your 2020 plan. Next week, we will focus on how you can rapidly capture profit share in uncertain times by deeply understanding your ideal client profile.